This is my newest and now favorite game! Great graphics and easy to navigate and play. I love the journal challenges and the wide array of fish, fishing spots, lures, sprays and lines. Overall I really recommend this game to anyone even those who dont like to fish. It can be rather addicting though and thats where most of my negative feedback starts.
The first negative aspect about this game is its addicting and because its addicting you will want to spend $$$ to continue playing. Everything cost $$$ and a good bit of it too. You have to continue replacing lures, lines and sprays ever fishing trip. That becomes rather costly after a while. Heck, its already costly for me and Ive only been playing for a few days. I will say that its rare for me to spend money on in app purchases but with this game I will because I enjoy it so much. Also all the lakes other than the first one cost money to get. Its a one time buy but there still should be an option to use your coins instead of actual $$$ because you already have to buy coins or try to earn them. Bass Pro is really just getting extra money from you because of this and thats a little shady if you ask me! I think you should be able to earn a new lake every time you three star the previous one but sadly its not up to me.
The next negative aspect is the obnoxious ads that play after ever fishing trip. Yes you earn coins after the ad is over but its a very small amount. If you have spent money to purchase coins, like I have, theres really no point in earning a measly 15 coins for a wasted 30 seconds of your life that you could have spent on another fishing trip or whatever else you want to do! Almost every game Ive ever played has an option to eliminate the ads all together and thats something Im hoping Bass Pro will look into and fix! I would spend money on that!!! I dont mind the ads you can watch to extend your fishing time though. I actually feel like Ive earned something for having to sit through an ad and it usually pays off because I can reel in the fish on my line instead of losing out on the fish and the points it gives you. Its also optional unlike the ads after the fishing trip. This is probably the biggest flaw in the game for me.
The last few negative aspects I have encountered arent too big of a deal. One being the tackle box organization. It takes me a hot minute to find the right lure and spray for each different type of fish. Although, there is an option that picks out the recommended lure, line and spray when looking at the journal and highlighting the specific challenge you want to tackle. It doesnt give you an option between different lures though, only the one they recommended. I read someones review about Bass Pro making the tackle box more customizable and giving the player the option of setting up their own tackle box which I think would be a great idea and also another way for the app to collect more of our hard earned money lol. They could give you different options for types of tackle boxes and different patterns, colors and sizes. I say its a win win for both sides! Another aspect is the journal. I would like to be able to access the journal on the page where your picking your fishing location so that you know which spot is best for the fish your looking for. Right now you have to go all the way to the home screen and then to two other pages to access the journal. By the time you get back to pick your location youve already forgotten what fish you were looking for and its even worse when your looking to knock out more than one challenge in a single fishing trip. Really the whole menu and all the pages could be set up better and more organized. Thats just some of the nit picky stuff though and it really doesnt affect the game play much at all.
The last negative aspect is one I cant really comment on but seems to be a running trend through a good portion of the reviews. That is the tournaments. I have yet to play in a tourney so I havent encountered the problems that so many other users are saying they have. Basically everyone says they dont get a weight for the fish they have caught or that the Internet disconnects whilst playing in the tournament. I can see why that would be frustrating because you pay to play in them and its pretty much wasted coins or $$$ if those errors occur. Still I havent experienced it yet so I cant give much feedback on this particular issue other than sharing what others have posted.
All in all this is a great game with some minor flaws and greedy corporate owners but as much fun as I have playing it Im willing to overlook these things. I am hoping however, that Bass Pro reads through this review and makes some of the desired changes I have mentioned. I applaud all who read through this novel sized review and hope you all have as much fun playing this game as I have! God Bless!!!
Great Game Overall about Bass Pro Shops: The Strike Pro Angler, v2.13.3